At Euroseas Amsterdam, Uniba Chancellor Isradi Explained the Forest City Concept at IKN for Environmental Improvement

Opini | 26 Jul 2024 | 13:26 WIB
At Euroseas Amsterdam, Uniba Chancellor Isradi Explained the Forest City Concept at IKN for Environmental Improvement
The conclusion of the dialogue at the University of Amsterdam reminded the nation of the importance of maintaining Borneo. - Amsterdam - In mid-July 2024, the Chancellor of Balikpapan University, Isradi Zainal, had the opportunity for the second time, to speak in front of a forum held at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The topics of this academic discussion include, among other things, dealing with the ecological aspects of the green environment around the new capital city, Nusantara. Isradi, on his flight to European civilization, which is famous for its iconic windmill landmarks, was not alone.

The plane which took off from Jakarta, transited in the UAE, headed to Sciphol airport in Amsterdam (17/07) also contained two accompanying figures of the Chancellor of Balikpapan University. They are none other than the Vice Chancellor, Mery Sipahutar, and Mohamad Nasir, who this time also accompanied the chancellor to speak at the Euroseas environmental-oriented academic forum in the Netherlands, Europe.

It seems that the Chancellor of Balikpapan University, as a representative of academics from the Borneo region, wants to explain to European audiences that the intention of the Indonesian government to move its capital is not to damage the environment in East Kalimantan. On that occasion, the Chancellor of Uniba attempted to explain the existing and future conditions of forests in the new capital city. This new capital city is bigger than Jakarta. About four times as much, and compared to Singapore, about three times as much. And urban areas are only 75% green areas.

There are three missions, global sustainable city, Isradi said, that they want a global city that is environmentally sustainable and the second is to make the new capital city Indonesia's identity or national identity. Finally, the third thing that is not without importance is the new capital city as the center of the Indonesian economy.

Talking about sustainable cities in the world, of course, according to the Chancellor of Uniba, there are several specific goals for Indonesia's new capital city. Where the new capital city must be a forest city, a green city, and at the same time a smart city.

Sources of explanatory material for the development of IKN were presented that day at the University of Amsterdam. "We can say that you can see the slides displayed here, and where - all the new capitals that I have told you about before, and some perhaps we mean more precisely, from various regions in Southeast Asia or other regions," he said. Isradi started his presentation.

"So we will give a very, very brief introductory overview of what is happening here. Before we get into the presentation, we will discuss two panels," continued Isradi again. "I also tried to get from the Forestry Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, and then asked the University. So today I will present the conservation part of the Forest City project in collaboration with the university. And this is - as the audience knows, now, about 6,671 the area that will be built in the capital," explained the figure who is predicted to become the future leader of OIKN.

One of the audience members also questioned whether Isradi had any information of his own regarding this, and Isradi quoted that there were three big points he could lay out to explain the current situation if possible. The University of Amsterdam audience, after seeing Isradi's presentation, was of the view that the existence of the new capital could disrupt the habitat there and also the issue of the lack of environmental recovery funds in moving the capital.

But according to Isradi again, until now, the construction of the new capital city has not depleted the forest resources and overall ecology there. This is also influenced by the large part of the billions of funds disbursed for the existing IKN project there which are now being distributed to construct buildings in the area of ​​former Eucalyptus plants and three other types of homogeneous plants.

One audience member also asked whether Isradi had his own information regarding this matter, and Isradi quoted that there were three big points that he could explain to explain the current situation if possible.

The University of Amsterdam audience, after seeing Isradi's presentation, had the view that the existence of the new capital could disrupt the habitat there and also the issue of the lack of environmental recovery funds in moving the capital. But according to Isradi again, until now, the construction of the new capital city has not depleted the forest resources and overall ecology there.

This is also influenced by the large part of the billions of funds disbursed for the existing IKN project there which are now being distributed to construct buildings in the former Eucalyptus plant area and three other types of homogeneous plants.

The University of Amsterdam also continued to question the reasons why Uniba Chancellor Isradi Zainal made such a conclusion. "If I look at your data, it is in 2021 to 2023. The new capital city, the new capital city was actually built in 2020 and 2023. Yes. For your information also, in the new capital city, the environment is not good because there are around 100 concessions mining and also industrial concessions such as ECHI," said the host.

Then Isradi emphasized that actually the new capital city of Indonesia was not intended to destroy the environment, but to make the environment better than before. Because according to Law Number 3, in 2022, the forest there (IKN) will be 75%. For now, Isradi said that a rough estimate from the valid data he has is that green areas cover more than 57% of the land cover there.

Then Isradi switched to talking about LTS-based clean energy there (solar power). Talking about LTS or solar power in Indonesia, especially in IKN, Isradi then explained, "We use around 10 megawatts there, and maybe later it could be 50 megawatts. This is a solar panel electric power (LTS) development activity which will start first in February 2024 "There are plans by the Nusantara authorities that in the future, this sector, the private sector, is also a candidate for Private Strategic Partner (PSP) for our new capital city. Let us also invite (Mr/Mrs) to come to IKN Nusantara," he said Isradi.

The University of Amsterdam also continued to question the reasons why Uniba Chancellor Isradi Zainal made such a conclusion. "If I look at your data, it is in 2021 to 2023. The new capital city, the new capital city was actually built in 2020 and 2023. Yes. For your information also, in the new capital city, the environment is not good because there are around 100 concessions mining and also industrial concessions such as ECHI," said the host.

Then Isradi emphasized that actually the new capital city of Indonesia was not intended to destroy the environment, but to make the environment better than before. Because according to Law Number 3, in 2022, the forest there (IKN) will be 75%. For now, Isradi said that a rough estimate from the valid data he has is that green areas cover more than 57% of the land cover there.

Then Isradi switched to talking about LTS-based clean energy there (solar power). Talking about LTS or solar power in Indonesia, especially in IKN, Isradi then explained, "We use around 10 megawatts there, and maybe later it could be 50 megawatts. This is a solar panel electric power (LTS) development activity which will start first in February 2024 "There are plans by the Nusantara authorities that in the future, this sector, the private sector, is also a candidate for Private Strategic Partner (PSP) for our new capital city. Let us also invite (Mr/Mrs) to come to IKN Nusantara," he said Isradi.

Among the audience members at the University of Amsterdam discussion panel were individuals who wanted the Dayak ethnic virginity to be left as is. He asked to let the Dayak people in the interior remain human beings with Dayak identity.

However, with full support to obtain their customary customary rights. Isradi explained to the University of Amsterdam audience that today's challenges not only affect native ethnic groups and especially local indigenous communities, but also immigrants from outside. The current focus is human migration from abroad, especially currently the capital of the archipelago is facing thousands of migrants from Java, Sumatra and Eastern Indonesia. The demographic problem has not yet emerged, but the ecological carrying capacity of areas such as Balikpapan and Penajam is also more or less affected. 

The conclusion of the dialogue at the University of Amsterdam reminded the nation of the importance of maintaining Borneo as the Lungs of the World and how the development of IKN in East Kalimantan continues to pay attention to the harmony of the human ecological environment and the flora-fauna environment as well as the existence of local indigenous ethnic groups.

What is clear is that the straight path efforts, which have been contributed by the University of Balikpapan, East Kalimantan through its Chancellor, are to dispel the assumptions and views of the international world, especially North-North countries, regarding accusations of deforestation, decarbonization and decolonization of local Borneo ethnicities in line with the pace of IKN development which is currently being intensively implemented. (*)

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